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Lucas Long
Lucas Long

Where Can I Buy Tire Chains _BEST_

Tire chains and cables are devices that improve traction in snow and ice. Chains provide better traction than cables, however cables are easier to install; both are acceptable under the law for most vehicles. Tire socks are also acceptable. Plastic devices, straps, and other emergency or alternative "tire chains" do not meet the legal requirement.

where can i buy tire chains

You can purchase chains or cables at most auto parts stores and gas stations, particularly in communities surrounding Yosemite National Park. A limited selection of chains is available for purchase at the Village Garage in Yosemite Valley and the Wawona gas station. Be sure to purchase chains or cables that match your tire size.

An alternative to using tire chains is to park your car at a YARTS bus stop on Highway 140 outside Yosemite (e.g., Mariposa or El Portal, depending on current chain control location), and use YARTS (which requires a fee) to travel into and out of Yosemite.

If you are visiting any location in Yosemite from November through March, you should expect chain requirements to be in effect, even if you only plan to visit Yosemite Valley and use the free shuttle. Any time chain controls are in effect, all vehicles must have chains in possession, including four-wheel drive and rental vehicles.

Chains are often required on roads both inside and outside of Yosemite from November through March, less often in October and April, and rarely in September or May. Because high-elevation roads receive more snow, chains are required on the Wawona Road (Highway 41), Big Oak Flat Road (Highway 120 from the west), and Badger Pass Road more often than on the El Portal Road (Highway 140), roads within Yosemite Valley, and the Hetch Hetchy Road.

You must have tire chains or cables in your possession when entering a designated chain control area, even if you're driving a four-wheel drive or rental vehicle. (Designation is by a sign that says "chains required.") If you're driving a vehicle that doesn't allow tire chains, consider using YARTS to travel into Yosemite.

Conditions dictate when chains are required, therefore, it's not possible to predict if chains will be required ahead of time. We strongly recommend that you have chains when visiting Yosemite from November through March (chain requirements may be in place on occasion as early as September or as late as May); conditions can change rapidly and chains can become required at any time.

Within a designated chain control area, you must use chains or cables on your car's drive wheels when the chain control sign does not exempt your car. Even if your car is exempt, you must have chains or cables in your possession.

When you encounter a chain control sign that indicates chains are required for your vehicle, pull completely off the road into the turnout and put on your chains. Chain control signs are at the best locations for putting on chains. Put your chains on there, not further down the road, where it may be unsafe.

Just because you have chains or four-wheel drive doesn't mean driving in snow is easy. Even park residents who regularly commute on park roads during winter are involved in snow-related accidents. Follow these tips to reduce your chances of an accident.

You will be subject to a citation (up to $5,000) if you fail to put on chains when required. Further, if you don't have chains with you, you may have to call a tow truck to supply chains for you (this could cost up to a few hundred dollars and is not covered by AAA; the wait can be several hours).

Countless accidents are caused by motorists who lose control because they don't have chains, and many of those drivers have winter driving experience. Don't be responsible for injuring someone, damaging vehicles, or inconveniencing hundreds of other park visitors by causing an accident: use chains when required and drive with caution.

An alternative to using tire chains is to park your car on Highway 140 outside Yosemite, before you encounter any chain controls (the location of which varies based on conditions), at a YARTS bus stop and use YARTS to travel into and out of Yosemite (fee required).

From Sept. 1 through May 31, all commercial vehicles traveling on I-70 between the Dotsero exit (mile point (MP) 133) and the Morrison exit (MP 259) must carry sufficient chains to be in compliance with the Colorado chain law.

Chains help commercial vehicles traverse the steep climbs often present in the high country. Without chains, vehicles often become disabled, causing traffic delays and sometimes road closures. For the safety of the traveling public, it's critical to use chains to be in compliance with Colorado's chain law.

Manganese alloy traction coils (0.525" diameter) provide superior traction, durability and weight savings of at least 50% compared to conventional "link" tire chains. The crossmember eyelets allow for easy replacement. Easy link-style fastening system.

As the weather turns for most of the country, few are adequately geared up for the wilds of winter. Even fewer have tire chains for when roads disappear, as well as the horizon. Tire chains are integral parts of your in-car winter gear for those living in climes that see foot after foot of snow. Ask me how I know. They allow you to safely traverse the highways and byways even when the plows haven't done their jobs. But which is the best? Which will work but doesn't cost an arm and a leg. I poured over all the availabilities online and brought you the best tire chains around.

Taking the classic tire chain design to the next level these tire chains use well-structured links to limit the risk of snapping. By using high-end materials, the chains are ideal for winter conditions.

A unique yet effective alternative to standard chains, these traction aids are ideal for areas with short winters. Compatible with all types of rims, these chain-like options fit with any wheel well clearance.

The Glacier 10 1042 Passenger Tire Chain Set is designed to fit with any tire between 14 and 20 inches. They fit seamlessly onto the tire, installing quickly and holding steadily in position. Adhering to all legislation relating to road safety and traction requirements, these chains are safe for normal use.

One thing to keep in mind is that the value of these chains shows up over the long term. It might be a bit more of an upfront investment, but these chains can last for years. Instead of replacing your chains frequently, you can hang onto these over the long term.

Slip them into place on front or rear tires. Once in position, a rough textile covers the part of the tire that contacts the ground. The remainder of the fabric is a breathable weave that protects your rims and uses crossing straps to hold steadily in position. Both lightweight and machine-washable, you can use these chain replacements whenever snow is in the forecast and remove them when the ground is dry once again.

Keep in mind that, because of the nature of the metal, these chains may get brittle in the extreme cold or loosen in heat. To avoid any issues, try to park your vehicle indoors and check the chains before you start driving.

A streamlined version of the original tire chains invented in 1904, the cable design uses the same steel material. This sort of tire chain features spaced-out, lateral metal cables which link to a chain that runs over the circumference of the tire. By separating the cables, it is easier to brake the vehicle. Typically, these chains have small links, helping them stay lightweight while still optimizing traction. Because they are usually smaller and with a lower profile, you can find these for the smallest wheel wells. This type of chain is ideal for casual use in areas that get medium amounts of snow.

While they might not technically be a type of snow chain, they serve the same purpose: improving tire grip on winter roads. Chains can be heavy and awkward to install. To save space and make it easier to get set up, you can opt for an alternative. Popular options include a textile cover that uses thick fabric to keep traction with the ground. Others focus on a smaller surface area, with a thin yet rugged material working to grip the ground. These are ideal if your area is not prone to much snow and you simply want to be prepared. Compact, lightweight, and easy to store, this is a suitable option for a large part of America.

California does not have any specific dates when vehicles are required to carry chains. When the road is posted with a sign requiring chains, all heavy-duty vehicles (over 6,500 pounds gross weight) must be equipped with chains mounted on the tires in order to proceed. Depending on the severity of road conditions, some vehicles (passenger cars, 4-wheel drive vehicles with snow tires) may not be required to install chains at that point. The exceptions will be posted on the sign.

Automatic Traction Devices (A.T.D.'s) are used primarily on commercial vehicles, emergency vehicles, and busses. ATD's are devices mounted under the vehicle that sling chain segments under the inside drive wheels. These devices can be deployed by the driver when the need for extra traction is required. While they are legal in California and have been approved as a direct one-on-one replacement for conventional chains, vehicles with only ATD's may be required to add additional chains to outside wheels to comply with the California Chain Requirements Chart.

Not usually, but under severe conditions, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) may require chains on the inside duals if conditions warrant. (If conditions are this severe, it may be better to postpone the trip.)

Vehicles without chains are not permitted to enter chain control areas and must return to a lower elevation where chains are not required. There is no provision to park vehicles at chain control check points.

During inclement or unsettled weather conditions, Caltrans may set up truck screening check points at approaches to major mountain highways. When these screens are present, all heavy-duty trucks must stop and show Caltrans personnel that they have the required chains on board to proceed. Trucks without chains will be directed to return to a lower elevation until weather improves. There is no room available at higher elevations to park trucks not equipped with chains. 041b061a72


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